Dana White meddelade under presskonferensen att Gustafsson kommer att möta Antônio Rogério Nogueira i London under mars.
”Well, I’m super excited to fight in London,” säger Gustafsson på presskonferensen efter UFC Fight Night 30. ”I have fought there before and I’m really excited to fight there again. Me and Little Nog were supposed to fight way back, but we didn’t. And now I have a chance to fight him again and I am really looking forward to it. He is a great stand up striker and a really good opponent.”
Gustafsson utlovas titelmatch mot Nogueira:
”It’s definitive,” svarar White på frågan om Gustafsson får titelchans vid en vinst. ”He has got the shot. He beats Little Nog, and Jon Jones wins his fight against Texieira. That will be the next fight, that will be the rematch.”
Gary Cook meddelade under presskonferensen efter UFC Fight Night 30 att nästa gala i Sverige kommer att ske i Malmö under 2014.
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