”Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan” by Nitobe Inazo is a literary masterpiece that transcends time, providing profound insights into the essence of the samurai’s way of life. First published in 1900, this book has endured for over a century, captivating readers with its wisdom, honor, and virtue. It serves not only as a historical document but also as a timeless guide to the values that define the spirit of Japan.
Bushido, the way of the bullfighter and the samurai
Bushido and bullfighting share many points in common, and there are quite distinct parallels between the ethical code of the samurai warrior and that of the bullfighter. These ideals are generally challenging to fulfil but guide the heroes’ decisions, give them conviction and impose moral values they must respect.
The Best of Budo – Bushido for The Modern Warrior
Strange uniforms, weird bowing, mystical movements with lethal potential, alien terminology and hierarchy have become incredibly unhip in today’s martial arts world, where MMA is king. But modern martial arts have an unexpected amount to learn from traditional budo. Here we look at what Budo and the 7-5-3 code of contemporary Bushido can bring to the modern warrior.